Friday, April 13, 2007

Find an environment that brings out the best in you

Extracted from God is my CEO, these few lines jumped right out at me. Think it's good advise that applies for everyone:
It reads, 'like the tree planted by streams of living water, you need to be planted where you can grow, mature, bloom and bear fruit.' This applies in every aspect of your life, including your professional life where you need to find an environment that brings out the best in you.
In my next career move, I want to surrounded by people who motivate and challenge me to be a person of excellence, passion, showing true leadership.
V has got two wonderful career opportunities and for the first time, I'm almost afraid to advise, cos' I know while he prefers option A, I think he can be challenged to take up option B which gives him a fast track to his career. However, we need to be sure what we see in our natural eyes align with God's purpose for us- cos' while we can plan 1-2 steps for ourselves, we are not able to see beyond what's in store in the long-term future.
However, we shouldn't let fear cripple us anyways, and gotta just press on in faith. We'll make a decision by Monday hopefully.
Hmm... speaking of Monday, it'll mark my first day at the School of Theology. Imagine 300 new friends. No more excuses for not reaching out to the lost cos' this course will really equip you with the know-how, etc. I can't wait to see my mom and sis saved, going church and having a true relationship with God.
Was at Benny Hinn's meeting last night and will be bringing friend's friend who's in stage 3 of cancer of her brain to his service this evening. The presence of God was strong last night and lots of people got out of their wheelchairs and were healed from cancer, loss of hearing and back problems. Praise God!
Benny Hinn's sermons spoke about how all the Arab worlds are inviting him (someone with an Israel passport) to preach in their countries and how the Jews are even opening up and proclaiming Jesus as the Messiah.
In fact, he says the last days are here and Jesus is returning! He then preached a word on Salvation and how healing always comes with forgiveness of sins.
God heals morning, day and night! We need to believe that healing is for everyone! Just look through the book of Matthew and you'll realise that everywhere Jesus went, healing took place! What a wonderful God we serve! :)

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