Thursday, June 28, 2007

Blogging for Two

It has been weeks since I last blogged and to make it up, I now return with the power of 2! Me and my little one! :)
Yep, I'm 10 & a half weeks pregnant! Praise God for this precious gift! Everyday has been an adventure since I discovered I was pregnant! And I must say my adventure applies in every aspect of my life! Physically (with morning sickness that lasts from morn to night), mentally (trying not to overthink and analyse pregnancy symptoms), emotionally (mood swings) and spiritually (learning to lean on God daily for his grace through faith!)
However, in the midst of all this, I must say, juggling bible school and pregnancy has been quite a challenge as well! We need to be in school everyday from Mon-Sun, and there's ministry work, assignments, tests that never seem to end. Thank God for his grace that has seen me through so far, not to mention, the encouragement from friends like Tracy, Debra, Chelsia, Hsin Yih and frens at bible school.
Well, after weeks of vomiting into countless plastic bags or any containers that I can lay eyes on, I think I'm slowly easing into second trimester, although I do get the occasional nausea from long car rides or oily food!
Let's do a checklist: a big improvement in lifestyle's this week is that I finally managed to get myself a hair cut, facial and manicure! Definitely much needed for my well-being especially since you know I'm such a grooming 'freak'!
I've got so much to say but just don't know where to start or continue. Guess I'll leave it for the next blog update so that today's journal doesn't become a sea of words- which I'm often guilty of. Will try to take some pictures over the weeks and let ya spot the baby bump. :)
Till then! Keep me in prayer! And your eyes glued for updates!

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